Elsa Free Cross Stitch Pattern

Graphics by Easy Drawing Tutorials

You can now download Queen Elsa Cross Stitch Pattern in pdf.



This pattern is for your own personal use only. 

This pattern cannot be subject for resale.
You cannot claim the pattern as your own or alter it in any way and Crafty Guild will not accept any liability for the sale of completed items.

If you love my patterns don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter. You can also subscribe to my blog for email updates whenever I post new patterns. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog and Happy Sitchin’ Everyone:)



  1. Rose Terhune says:

    I am making a pillow for a cancer patient. (Child) would like to use this pattern. Ok? I am 76 years old and make many things for cancer patients and am so happy I found this. Thank u. My email is . can u send me the pattern so I can ptint it out? Thanks. God bless. Xxx Rose

  2. Rhea says:

    Good day Rose,

    I’m so happy that you find my pattern helpful. I’m sure those children will love this.
    I’ve already sent you the pdf in your mail.
    Thanks for making Crafty Guild a part of making cancer patients happy :)

    Best Regards,

  3. Serina says:

    Hi Rhea, could you please send me the pdf? I want to make this for a young girl also suffering from cancer and I can’t quite make out all the symbols, thank you

  4. Rhea says:

    Good day Serina,

    I’m glad that you’re making this for a cancer patient. I’ve already sent the pdf in your inbox. I hope you find it easy to follow. I would be happy to see your finished cross stitch project of Queen Elsa. Please feel free to share it on my facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/craftyguild.

    Sincerely Yours,

  5. Navneet says:

    Hi Rhea could you please send me the pdf I would like to make this for my niece for xmas. Also this is my first time so what do you mean by skeins? Thank you

  6. rhea says:

    Hi Navneet,

    Sorry if it took me a while to reply to your request. I already sent the cross stitch pattern in your mail. You also asked about the the word skein. It is a bundle of six-strand embroidery floss which is held together by small paper tubes on which the brand and color number are printed. I hope you enjoy stitching this…

    I’m excited to see what your finished project would look like. Please feel free to share your finished project on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/craftyguild . Thanks:)

    Best Regards,

  7. rhea says:

    Hi Shannon,
    I already sent you the pdf for Elsa’s cross stitch pattern. I hope you find it easy to follow. Thanks for stopping by my blog:)

  8. Rita says:

    hi rhea this is awesomeeeeeeeee!! thanks for sharing, could i impose also and ask u to send the pdf to me also? please…..my little niece would luv this..
    many thanks in advance.
    God bless :) keep up the great work…you’re so creative :)

  9. Kathy Gonzalez says:

    Hi my name is Kathy., I am trying to stitch Elsa the free pattern I’m having a very hard time with what I got off the site and I was wondering if you could send me pattern so it will be much clearer the symbols are distorted. I would like to send to staples to have it copied My email address is . I really would appreciate it.

  10. Amber says:

    My daughter loves Frozen and I would love the patterns for Elsa and Anna each, please. These are wonderful patterns! Thank you!

  11. nadia says:

    hi can you plz plz send me the patterns for princess elsa and anna its for my little girl whose a BIG fan of frozen thank you so much x

  12. Cindi Cotton says:

    I just found your blog and signed up to get it sent to my inbox. I wanted to download Elsa & Anna, but it appears that the only way to download is to have a wordpress account. Can you email those pdf files to me? Thanks in advance!

  13. Jennifer Ny says:

    My Niece birthday is in 3 months. She loves anything frozen….Elsa being her favorite character. Been looking for a pattern for awhile and came across your site. Cant wait to start on it . Can you please send me an PDF of Elsa and Anna. Thank you in advance. It’s gonna make her day.

  14. mrstracy1373 says:

    Hi — could you please send me the PDF file for the Elsa cross stitch please? My daughter saw this on Pinterest and fell in love — she is begging me to make it for her. Beautiful work!

  15. Trudy says:

    Hi Rhea, could you please send me the patterns for Anna and Elsa for my gorgeous little grand daughter. Thank you so much in advance, Trudy.

  16. Pingback: Pick of the week: Who wants to be a Disney princess? | Happy Stitch
  17. PJ says:

    Hi ms Rhea! Could you please email this PDF file of Elsa? Will you surely be glad if you would. Thanks! :)

  18. Melissa says:

    Hi Rhea, I would love to have the pdf of the Elsa pattern. I am trying to surprise my daughter with a Disney princess bag and this would be an added bonus. Thank you so much.

  19. Dawn says:

    Hi I was wondering if you could please email me the PDF for Elsa when download it comes a little fuzzy email is thank you

  20. Laure Petitjean Gil says:

    I am a french mum and my tow daughters (3 and 5 year old) like very much the snow queen. I would like to creat this one for they. Could you please send me the pattern on my email adress? Thank you so much. Your work is really create. My e mail is :

  21. Brittany says:

    Hi Rhea, I’m a mother of two young girls that are obsessed with frozen. I would love to make them the collection. Could you send me the PDF of Elsa and if you have any other one maybe them too? Please and thank you so much…

    Brittany890509 @gmail.com

  22. Mel says:

    Hi Could you please send me the PDF for this pattern via Email, I would love to make it for my little grandaughter who is Frozen crazy :)

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