Below is a list of crochet abbreviations commonly used by yarn industries and publishers. Although some publishers may use special abbreviations in a pattern, always take note to check the instructions you are working on for specific stitches. It is usually found in the beginning of a book or a pattern.
[ ] work instructions within brackets as many times as directed
( ) work instructions within parentheses as many times as directed
* repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed
beg begin/beginning
bo boble
bp back post
bpdc back post double crochet
bpsc back post single crochet
bptr back post treble crochet
cc contrasting color
ch chain stitch
ch- chain or space previously made(i.e., ch-1 space)
ch sp chain space
cl cluster
cm centimeter(s)
dc double crochet
dec decrease/decreasing
dtr double treble crochet
fl front loops
fp front post
fpdc front post double crochet
fpsc front post single crochet
fptr front post treble crochet
hdc half double crochet
inc increase/increases/increasing
lp(s) loops
p picot
pc popcorn
pm place marker
prev previous
rem remaining
rep repeat(s)
rnd(s) round(s)
sc single crochet
sctog single crochet 2 stitch together
sk skip
sl st slip stitch
sp(s) space(s)
st stitch(es)
tog together
tr treble crochet
trtr triple treble crochet
yo yarn over
yoh yarn over hook
Commonly Used Crochet Symbols
These are the basic abbreviations and crochet symbols that a beginner should know. On my next blog I’ll be posting my crochet works. I’m still starting my blog so I have to start with the basics first. By the way, I’ll also be doing cross stitch. You can join me as I explore my way to the magical world of crochet and cross stitch…feel free to subscribe to my blog…Thanks…